Early Entrance
In order to enter kindergarten in the state of Illinois, children must be five years of age by September 1st of their kindergarten year and six years of age by September 1st of their first grade year.
Antioch CCSD 34 serves a broad continuum of learners. The mission of D34 is to inspire our students to dream and inspire them to achieve. In order for all students to achieve personal excellence, at times it may become necessary to accelerate the curriculum. In some cases, the most appropriate way to provide this experience is through early entrance to kindergarten or first grade. A written procedure for early entrance is essential to ensure equitable access to the process and to provide guidelines that offer a fair and systematic opportunity for all.
In accordance with the Illinois Accelerated Placement Act (PublicAct 100-0421), District 34 has created specific criteria and procedures regarding early entrance consideration. The criteria set forth uses multiple data points in order to assure the most appropriate placement is made for each student. District 34 recognizes that early entrance and acceleration can have a profound effect on a child’s school career in the areas of both social-emotional and academic performance. Decisions regarding early entrance follow the outline stated below and the final decision rests with Antioch CCSD 34.
Criteria for Eligibility
Early Entrance Kindergarten
- The child will be administered the Illinois Snapshot of Early Literacy (ISEL) by Gifted Personnel/classroom teacher and go through the D34’s Kindergarten Screening Process.
- The child obtains a score in the 90th %tile or higher on the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Screener standardized assessment for Math administered by D34 personnel.
- The BASC-3 will be administered by D34 personnel to ensure the child demonstrates kindergarten readiness in the areas of attention, gross and fine motor skills, cooperative play, and expressive and receptive language skills.
- The child obtains a composite score of 128/98th %tile on the Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence test administered by D34 personnel on either the Full Scale IQ or General Ability Index.
Early Entrance First Grade
The child has successfully completed education through kindergarten and was taught by a certified teacher. Proof of this must be supplied by the parent.
The child’s Fountas and Pinnell reading level is at least one and a half levels above grade level administered by the district.
The child obtains a score at the 90th percentile or higher on the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) standardized assessment for Reading and Math administered by District 34.
The child attains a full scale IQ score of 130 or above or 2 composite scores of 130 or above on the Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence test administered by District 34.
Early Entrance Request Procedures
- Formal early entry requests must be made by the parent/guardian and submitted to the Antioch CCSD 34 Curriculum and Instruction Department at the Administrative Service Center before July 1st, along with a payment of $300.
- Parent/guardians must submit an Early Entrance Inquiry, which serves as a formal screening request.
- Upon receipt of the Early Entrance Inquiry, district administration will reach out to families.
- Parents/guardians and preschool teachers will be given the necessary forms and paperwork to complete.
- Parents and preschool teachers must return the completed forms prior to the screening date, along with a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate, by the predetermined due date.
- Testing will be administered by a D34 school psychologist and other designated District personnel prior to the start of the fall term.
- Following the administration of all assessments, parents will be invited back for a post-conference in which all data will be shared by team members and a decision regarding early entrance will be made.
- Children who are granted Early Entrance will be placed on 30-day probation. During this time, gifted personnel, the child's classroom teacher, and other appropriate personnel will assess the child’s initial adjustment and review all student performance data to determine if a child’s placement is satisfactory. If a child’s performance is not satisfactory, the principal will request that the child unenroll and re-enroll when the child meets Illinois state age requirement for the appropriate grade level. If it is decided the child’s adjustment is satisfactory, the child may continue enrollment in the early entrance program. Parents will be notified by D34 personnel as to the results of the 30-day probationary placement.